Thursday, July 10, 2014

Ramadhan 1435

Allah mengetahui segala-galanya. Dugaan kami berpuasa berempat beranak semasa 5 hari bekerja. Kadang-kadang En Azmi balik awal hari Jumaat, dapatlah kami berbuka 5 beranak. Syahid berpuasa dengan baik Ramadhan kali ni. Walaupun mengadu lapar, taklah sampai nak berbuka puasa. Kami mengharungi puasa tanpa kredit kepada kemeriahan sanak saudara mahupun makanan penuh atas meja. Melayani Ammar yang masih menyusu membataskan aktiviti di dapur. Hidangan ala kadar sahaja untuk aku dan hero kecilku Ahmad Syahid yang tak sabar-sabar nak ke surau untuk berjemaah Maghrib. Keterujaan syahid ke surau mungkin lebih kepada untuk bersama kawan-kawan. Biarlah...resmi anak-anak kan? Doaku, moga kami dapat mengekalkan kesederhanaan ini bila diuji dengan kesenangan dan kelapangan waktu kelak. Amin.... 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Seeking for Allah's help and guidance : Prophet Musa dua'

Submitted my PhD thesis last week, specifically before 30/08/13. The final week before submission is very stressful, because of many last minute corrections. God blessed me with very good friends who endlessly offered help to proofread my writings. I am truly indebted to them. May Allah grant hidayah to all of them and blessed their life with joy and happiness. From now on everything is completely beyond my control. Tawakkal is the best option. May Allah grant me with success. My SV approved the thesis submission with a warning about his reservation regarding the thesis quality. At this stage, I put all hope and dua to Allah, to ease my path towards the end of this PhD journey and increase generosity of the examiners (and let me passed the examination without too much hassle).

I was reading Dr. MAZA minda tajdid site, searching for the food for the 'ruhani' and come accross one of the old entries: Kemanisan dalam ujian in which Dr. MAZA touch about prophet Musa prayer when he was tested with difficulties and seeking help from Allah. Indeed, I was reading this story of prophet Musa in suratul-Qisas last week, but it is not until today that I realised about this beautiful and powerful doa in Dr. MAZA writings.

this is the excerpt from Dr. MAZA writings that contains the dua':

"Saya ingin menyebutnya di sini kerana doa ini amat menyentuh perasaan saya. Saya percaya anda juga demikian. Entah berapa banyak keadaan getir dan runsing melanda hidup ini, doa ini salah satu ‘penyejuk perasaan’ dan pemberi harapan yang menjadi jambatan yang menghubungkan ujian hidup dengan Tuhan yang memiliki segala kehidupan.
Doa ini jika dibaca dengan jiwa yang benar-benar bergantung kepada Allah, maka saya yakin ketenangan itu hadir sebelum pertolongan Allah itu turun. Firman Allah menceritakan hal Musa a.s. dan doanya: (maksudnya)
“Maka Musa pun memberi minum kepada binatang-binatang ternak mereka, kemudian ia pergi ke tempat teduh lalu berdoa: “Wahai Tuhanku, Sesungguhnya aku ini kepada apa sahaja kebaikan yang Engkau turunkan amatlah fakir” (Surah al-Qasas 24)."

The English translation: " And when he came to the water of Madyan, he found on it a group of men watering, and he found besides them two women keeping back (their flocks). He said: What is the matter with you? They said: We cannot water until the shepherds take away (their sheep) from the water, and our father is a very old man.( Surah Al-Qasas-23)

So he watered (their sheep) for them, then went back to the shade and said: My Lord! Surely I stand in need of whatever good Thou mayest sent down to me. (Surah Al-Qasas-24)

Allahu akbar!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Idea mencurah-curah?????

300912 6.49am Semalam hajat x kesampaian. Tinggi harapan nak cuba tulis at least satu page literature review. Tapi mungkin sebab semalam kena hujan, berdenyut-denyut kepala malam tadi. So kesudahannya tumbang seawal 9pm. Pagi ni alhamdulillah bangun awal, settlekan laundry and continue writing. teringat post blog Damai Hati: katanya di saat-saat akhir nak siapkan thesis, idea macam mencurah-curah. Betul agaknya, walaupun takdelah betul mencurah-curah(terbayang air dicurahkan repeatedly ha..ha..apekah???) sebab belum fully writing ni. Syukur Ya Allah. Kau mudahkan perjalanan penulisan thesis ini. Amin........

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Bad bfing advice (from

It was not successful with Ahmad Syahid. I only breastfeed him for about 2 1/2 months. It is completely different with Alya and I realised that the lack of experience top up with "sikap tak brapa ambil tahu" and handful of bad advice all contribute to the failure. Found this article and can't agree no more.

Here is a collection of ‘bad advice’ that many women are given in regard to breastfeeding from nurses, family, friends, etc. This bad advice is usually given with the very best intentions and is not meant to be ‘bad’. Please let me know if you have any questions about anything stated here!

*You must ‘prepare’ your nipples: rubbing with a towel/loofah/washcloth, pinching, pulling, etc. Leave your nipples alone! Your nipples were designed to breastfeed. Do not do anything to them; nipple stimulation is a labor inducer. During your third trimester, you can put Lansinoh cream on them, but you shouldn’t have to do anything else. Once you are nursing, use only warm water to wash your breasts, as soap may dry your nipples.

*Don't put Lansinoh cream directly on your nipples; it will cause clogged ducts . Put it right on them; that’s what it’s for. Also, it does NOT need to be washed off before baby nurses.

*Baby shouldn’t nurse more than every 3-4 hours or you’ll spoil her. In the first few weeks, baby should eat at least every 3 hours-this is a minimum. It will often be closer to every 2 hours, as breastmilk digests in approximately 90 minutes. An increase in nursing time and frequency will happen during growth spurts, changes in routine, etc. Nurse on demand, as nursing is also a source of comfort for baby. You can never nurse too often; you can nurse too little. It’s a common thought that babies under 6 months cannot be spoiled.

*Switch breasts every 5-7 minutes, 10 minutes, etc. Never watch the clock when you are nursing. Baby will tell you that he is done by pulling off of your breast or falling asleep. When baby is finished with one breast, offer the second, though baby may or may not take it.

*You must not have enough milk, your milk must be bad, you should use formula if: baby is nursing so often, for such long periods, you don’t think you are pumping enough, etc. Baby will go through growth spurts, may cluster feed, or have some ‘marathon’ nursing sessions for any number of reasons. It does NOT mean your supply is low or that your milk is ‘bad’. These increases in frequency will come and go, but they will not last forever. Continue to feed on demand.

Never, never, never look to length of time nursing or pumping output as a reliable indicator of your supply. To see if baby is getting enough milk, watch her number of wet diapers and if she’s content after eating. Weight gain and meeting developmental milestones is also a good indicator that she’s getting enough. Your baby nursing is much more efficient than even the best breast pump.

*It won’t hurt to give one bottle of formula, a pacifier, etc: Both bottles and pacifiers can cause nipple confusion. With a bottle, baby may also decide he likes the faster flow of a bottle and may refuse the breast. Artificial nipples should only be introduced once nursing has been well established for a minimum of 3 weeks.

Milk production is a supply and demand process. If you give baby that one bottle of formula, your body will think baby doesn’t need as much milk, and will decrease your supply. With a lower supply, you will have to supplement with more formula, your body will continue to decrease your supply, and you’ll soon be down to nothing.

*Give baby a little cereal in a bottle; it will help him sleep through the night. Babies need NOTHING but breastmilk until at least 6 months of age. This cuts down on developing food allergies and gives the digestive tract time to mature. All babies are different, and giving cereal will not always guarantee sleeping through the night.

*There are no benefits to nursing past 6 months. The six month mark recommended by the APA, WHO, etc. is a minimum. The benefits to baby and you will continue as long as you breastfeed. In cases where food allergies are expected, breastfeeding is recommended a full year.

*If you have a sore breast, don’t nurse with it for a day or two. This can lead to a supply problem. Unless it’s very, very painful, you should nurse even a sore breast. It’s best to offer the healthy breast first, as baby will then be more gentle with the second breast. It’s best to see your doctor if you develop any problems ASAP.

*You can’t nurse if you’re sick. The only illnesses that require you to stop breastfeeding are HIV/AIDS HTLV-1 and septicetmia from food poisioning. If you are sick, do continue to breastfeed-baby has already been exposed, and your milk will develop specific antibodies to whatever you have. If you are given medication, be sure your care provider knows you are breastfeeding. If a medication isn’t okay to take while breastfeeding, there is usually an alternative.

*Your baby isn’t getting enough milk when given a bottle. Up to 6 months, an exclusively breastfed baby will only need approximately 3 ounces of breastmilk per feeding if eating every 3 hours, 2 ounces if eating every 2 hours. As baby grows, your breastmilk becomes more concentrated with the nutrients it produces. Formula doesn’t change, which is why it must be continually increased as baby grows. If baby seems to be eating significantly more than that, it’s most likely that the person giving baby the bottle isn’t adequately reading the signs that baby is finished.

*If baby is born and not producing enough wet diapers, you must supplement with formula. If there is a problem with baby not getting enough milk, pumped breastmilk is a better alternative to formula. To avoid nipple confusion, baby should be fed with a medicine dropper, oral syringe, etc. Babies are born with extra water to carry them through until mom’s milk ‘comes in’, generally 3-5 days after giving birth.

*It is better bottle feed ... you can make your DH get up in the middle of the night to feed the baby. It isn't fair that you should have to do all the work. Okay, formula feeding is easier on mom. For about the first month, you will be the ONLY person that can feed her. This will take up a good portion of your post-partum time and energy. Dad and siblings need to realize that they’ll really have to do many of the chores: cleaning, cooking, laundry, etc.

*If your child is dehydrated, you must stop breastfeeding. Baby will not need any supplements to prevent dehydration IF he/she is eating often. Pedialyte can be used in addition to breastmilk, but should not replace it. Breastmilk does not dehydrate like cow’s milk.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Our princess: Alya Syifa

I already past 40 weeks; keep on asking hubby this open ended question ;when the baby will come out? He..he... I have been at home since I was 38 weeks. My part for the review paper; SUBMITTED, update for clone library screening; DONE. So I was relaxing, doing some reading, trying new recipe and doing bit of cleaning every day as Syahid never stop scattering his toys all over the place. Pity Ahmad Syahid he missed all his friends at school (I think). It's Ok Syahid, we'll try to get a place in school for you :)

Manage to bake pandan sponge cake.Second trial apparently :) It turn out better than the first!
Sempat juga buat donut dan dipass ke jiran terdekat Kak Naz and Kak Irma. Lots of activity on a single day. Yet, why there was no sign of baby coming out?

The next morning,27 January 2011; 3rd day past 40 weeks, I woke up still feeling excellent, solat subuh and decided to lie down again before getting ready for the last appointment with the midwife at RHW.
7.00 a.m : Hmmm...maybe the false alarm has started again( or will this be time?)

Reached ROW by 8.15 a.m, the pain is getting stronger but of course I can still walk. When Jo( the midwife) asked me "How are you my darling?" I told her about the pain. Baby position and heartbeat still OK.

" Will you ring the delivery suit if you're at home now?" Jo asked.
" Yup, I think I will"
" Ok, then I think we better check your serviks"
" Ok"
" OMG, you're 8cm dilated. I'll send you to the delivery suite right away"
" Oh! Really? Ok " I was a bit startled, start to feel nervous and suddenly confuse at the same time. Betul ke baby dah nak kuar ni? To the delivery suite we go :)

After some painful contraction, a bit of 'polite' scream and pushing....SURPRISE! Congratulation! You got a baby girl. Alya Syifa isn't she gorgeous? and she is almost alike her brother Ahmad Syahid except for the pointed chin :)
Alhamdulillah...Syukur padamu Ya Allah

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Fuhhs..bersawang! Tup..tup.. nak umum bakal ketibaan org baru :)

Masya Allah, lama sangat tak jenguk blog ni. Memang takde bakat menulis kot. Anyway,today I am 39 weeks and 4 day pregnant for the second baby. Sangat excited; Ahmad Syahid dah 4 years old tau. Nervous at the same time; with many isues: nervous nak masuk labour room, nervous nak kena stay up memalam, nervous whether I can cope with my PhD. Ya Allah! hanya padaMu kupanjatkan doa dan harapan agar. Moga2 semuanya OK.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Saturday at 17/2 Gray Crescent

Ahmad Syahid senang lena di sebelah. Hubby p main futsal di Tempe. Ini rutin biasa hari Sabtu di Australia ni. Bersenang-senang di rumah.Pagi tadi kami ubah rutin sedikit. Tiga beranak p coastal walk dari Coogee ke Clovelly. tak berani p jauh sebab kasihankan Syahid. Dia memang excited dan berlari dan melompat-lompat naik tangga. Tapi dalam perjalanan balik, separuh jalan dia dah buat-buat lembik. Tak nak jalan dan mintak didukung he..he..Kesian abah..
Syahid lena lagi. Penat sangat agaknya berlari tadi. Saja ditenung-tenung muka syahid, memang bersyukur sangat diberi peluang menjadi seorang ibu. Allah Maha kaya kan. Memang dihadirkan perasaan kasih dan belas pad manusia tatkala memandang wajah anak kecil. Ummi saayang Ahmad Syahid...Anak baru seorang (planning to have more...tapi tatau bila..Ya Allah berikanlah kekuaatan pada hambamu ini).